Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Original Declaration of Condominium, Survey, Lease and By-Laws Book 1860 Page 1232 , Dec 17, 1970: http://goo.gl/NE8C5l
Oxford 100
Amendment to Declaration and Lease Book 5324 Page 981 , June 22, 1987: http://goo.gl/4s2Whd
Amendment to Declaration Book 6122 Page 1140 , July 07, 1989: http://goo.gl/yfczBA
Amendment to Declaration Book 11724 Page 1403 , April 18, 2000: http://goo.gl/drWJ8B
Oxford 200
Amendment to Declaration and Lease Book 5324 Page 982 , June 22, 1987: http://goo.gl/ECWV3G
Amendment to Declaration Book 5990 Page 809 , March 08, 1989: http://goo.gl/s2Y32T
Amendment to Declaration Book 9573 Page 881 , Dec 17, 1996: http://goo.gl/vshCqS
Amendment to Declaration Book 11724 Page 1409 , April 18, 2000: http://goo.gl/HZxVn3
Oxford 300
Amendment to Declaration and Lease Book 5324 Page 983 , June 22, 1987: http://goo.gl/93Sf59
Amendment to Declaration Book 5991 Page 1377 , March 09, 1989: http://goo.gl/ulFNnR
Amendment to Declaration Book 9696 Page 296 , March 13, 1997: http://goo.gl/s8Htbu
Amendment to Declaration Book 11724 Page 1415 , April 18, 2000: http://goo.gl/7PlVKi
Amendment to By-Laws Book 22416 Page 531 , Feb 01, 2008: http://goo.gl/ULOvjQ
Amendment to By-Laws Book 23289 Page 1729 , June 17, 2009: http://goo.gl/G3yNbI
Oxford 400
Amendment to Declaration and Lease Book 5324 Page 984 , June 22, 1987: http://goo.gl/A677IS
Amendment to Declaration Book 6013 Page 736 , March 29, 1989: http://goo.gl/5YpIWE
Amendment to Declaration Book 7060 page 665 , Dec 19, 1991: http://goo.gl/zTTPSH
Amendment to Declaration Book 8546 Page 115 , Dec 16, 1994: http://goo.gl/evxt2o
Amendment to Declaration Book 11724 Page 1421 , April 18, 2000: http://goo.gl/Mb5vuM
Oxford 500
Amendment to Declaration and Lease Book 5324 Page 985 , June 22, 1987: http://goo.gl/rn63Co
Amendment to Declaration Book 11724 Page 1427 , April 18, 2000: http://goo.gl/6U5Nvn
Oxford 600
Amendment to Declaration and Lease Book 5324 Page 986 , June 22, 1987: http://goo.gl/1RTOFV
Amendment to Declaration Book 5993 Page 839 , March 10, 1989: http://goo.gl/p1ln6a
Amendment to Declaration Book 11537 Page 947 , Dec 30, 1999: http://goo.gl/KYuv6i
Amendment to Declaration Book 11724 Page 1433 , April 18, 2000: http://goo.gl/4pbAZE
Amendment to Declaration Book 178229 Page 735 , Dec 02, 2004: http://goo.gl/85JKpf

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