Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Hi all,
It was announced today at the Operations Committee by Anita Pearce (VP WPRF)  that the Clubhouse would close on August 8, 2011.

The Clubhouse is closing for 30 days for major repairs to the electrical switchgear. Some WPRF services will be transferred to Hastings clubhouse.

They will be announced here on this channel shortly.

Dave Israel

Cllubhouse Dances & Shows August 2011

Click to Enlarge

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Clubhouse Movies August 2011

Click to Enlarge

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Untitled from David B. Israel on Vimeo.


Cambridge A
Original Declaration of Condominium, Survey, Lease and By-Laws Book 1983 Page 70 , Feb 23, 1972: http://goo.gl/KrGBw
Amendment to Declaration and By-Laws Book 2870 Page 972 , June 02, 1978: http://goo.gl/EYd6k
Amendment to Declaration and Lease Book 5224 Page 545 , March 31, 1987: http://goo.gl/8a07k
Amendment to Declaration Book 5975 Page 1145 , Feb 23, 1989: http://goo.gl/FHh9e
Amendment to Declaration Book 5990 Page 739 , March 08, 1989: http://goo.gl/IEvYS
Amendment to Declaration Book 7060 Page 641 Dec 19, 1991: http://goo.gl/1LPZ6
Amendment to Declaration Book 11724 Page 431 , April 18, 2000: http://goo.gl/F0suF
Amendment to Declaration Book 11724 Page 461 , April 18, 2000: http//goo.gl/Q6daS
Amendment to Declaration Book 7113 Page 798 , Feb 06, 1992: http://goo.gl/89oC0
Amendment to Declaration Book 5993 Page 885 , March 10, 1989: http://goo.gl/n1Tps
Cambridge B
Original Declaration of Condominium, Survey, Lease and By-Laws Book 1985 Page 1433 , March 01, 1972: http://goo.gl/LahIk
Amendment to Declaration and By-Laws Book 2870 Page 975 , June 02, 1978: http://goo.gl/Rjkp9
Amendment to Declaration and By-Laws Book 4473 Page 1344 , Feb 21, 1985: http://goo.gl/F9IOz
Amendment to Declaration and Lease Book 5224 Page 546 , March 31, 1987: http://goo.gl/Tn2qU
Amendment to Declaration Book 5991 Page 1399 , March 09 , 1989: http://goo.gl/sVf8w
Amendment to Declaration Book 7060 Pag 642 , Dec 19, 1991: http://goo.gl/KUB28
Amendment to Declaration Book 11724 Page 437 , April 18, 2000: http://goo.gl/bckT9
Cambridge C
Original Declaration of Condominium, Survey, Lease, and By-Laws Book 1983 Page 117 , Feb 23, 1972: http://goo.gl/4lAQL
Amendment to Declaration and Lease Book 5838 Page 327 , Oct 13, 1988: http://goo.gl/sNkEo
Amendment to Declaration and By-Laws Book 11588 Page 1198 , Feb 02, 2000: http://goo.gl/NcydY
Amendment to Declaration and By-Laws Book 11679 Page 338 , March 24, 2000: http://goo.gl/LrAaI
Amendment to Declaration Book 11724 Page 443 , April 18, 2000: http://goo.gl/2Kfvx
Cambridge D
Original Declaration of Condominium, Survey, Lease and By-Laws Book 1983 Page 164 , Feb 23, 1972: http://goo.gl/XaAhw
Amendment to Declaration and By-Laws Book 5057 Page 687 , Oct 31, 1986: http://goo.gl/PxaZj
Amendment to Declaration and Lease Book 5224 Page 392 , March 31, 1987: http://goo.gl/EE2bl
Amendment to Declaration Book 5993 Page 885 March 10, 1989: http://goo.gl/n1Tps
Amendment to Declaration Book 7099 Page 58 Jan 27, 1992: http://goo.gl/yVRYU
Amendment to Declaration Book 7113 Page 798 Feb 06, 1992: http://goo.gl/89oC0
Amendment to Declaration Book 8710 Page 404  April 20, 1995: http://goo.gl/OaB5N
Amendment to Declaration Book 11374 Page 425 Sep 30 , 1999: http://goo.gl/bfkff
Amendment to Declaration and Lease Book 11724 Page 449 , April 18, 2000: http://goo.gl/Gkjjv
Cambridge E
Original Declaration of Condominium, Survey, Lease and By-Laws Book 1985 Page 746 , Feb 29, 1972: http://goo.gl/R2T6I
Amendment to Declaration and By-Laws Book 2870 Page 978 , June 02, 1978: http://goo.gl/hNgtx
Amendment to Declaration and Lease Book 5224 Page 393 March 31, 1987: http://goo.gl/w5Gwp
Amendment to Declaration Book 5994 Page 1749 March 13, 1989: http://goo.gl/mZQWY
Amendment to Declaration Book 7085 Page 1360 Jan 13, 1992: http://goo.gl/WMCxG
Amendment to Declaration Book 7599 Page 97 , Feb 24, 1993: http://goo.gl/U1HoS
Amendment to Declaration Book 11724 Page 455 , April 18, 2000: http://goo.gl/br9ck
Cambridge F
Original Declaration of Condominium, Survey, Lease and By-Laws Book 1985 Page 792 , Feb 29, 1972: http://goo.gl/Wnfj3
Amendment to Declaration and By-Laws Book 2870 Page 981 , June 02, 1978: http://goo.gl/RDLLa
Amendment to Declaration and By-Laws Book 4491 Page 1072 , March 14, 1985: http://goo.gl/vo9pg
Amendment to Declaration and Lease Book 5224 Page 547 , March 31, 1987: http://goo.gl/DzcqP
Amendment to Declaration and By-Laws Book 5710 Page 707 , June 21, 1988: http://goo.gl/dTYfA
Amendment to Declaration Book 5990 Page 741 , March 08, 1989: http://goo.gl/kPvhz
Amendment to Declaration Book 6628 Page 725 , Oct 31, 1990: http://goo.gl/rqYoI
Amendment to Declaration Book 11724 Page 461 , April 18, 2000: http://goo.gl/Q6daS
Amendment to Declaration Book 22477 Page 636 , March 03, 2008: http://goo.gl/vALXV
Amendment to Declaration and By-Laws Book 24566 Page 382 , June 08, 2011: http://goo.gl/Wobtj
Cambridge G
Original Declaration of Condominium, Survey, Lease and By-Laws Book 1983 Page 211 , Feb 23, 1972: http://goo.gl/9dzvK
Amendment to Declaration and By-Laws Book 2870 Page 984 , June 02, 1978: http://goo.gl/sb0jg
Amendment to Declaration and By-Laws Book 4491 Page 1070 , March 31, 1987: http://goo.gl/g49mu
Amendment to Declaration and Lease Book 5224 Page 548 , March 31, 1987: http://goo.gl/zxzBI
Amendment to Declaration Book 5991 Page 1401 , March 09, 1989: http://goo.gl/uai7j
Amendment to Declaration Book 6821 Page 595 , May 14, 1991: http://goo.gl/D6cYE
Amendment to Declaration Book 8730 Page 1513 , May 03, 1995: http://goo.gl/9rFZL
Amendment to Declaration Book 8730 Page 1514 , May 03, 1995: http://goo.gl/NGZGZ
Amendment to Declaration Book 10871 Page 114 , Jan 13, 1999: http://goo.gl/XqWzn
Amendment to Declaration Book 11724 Page 467 , April 18, 2000: http://goo.gl/lQbA6
Amendment to By-Laws Book 18176 Page 1449 , Feb 24, 2005: http://goo.gl/DGDZ9
Cambridge H
Original Declaration of Condominium, Survey, Lease and By-Laws , Feb 23, 1972: http://goo.gl/Y8dVS
Amendment to Declaration and By-Laws Book 2870 Page 987 , June 02, 1978: http://goo.gl/hzOrW
Amendment to Declaration and Lease Book 5224 Page 394 , March 31, 1987: http://goo.gl/cE8II
Amendment to Declaration Book 5994 Page 1751 , March 13, 1989: http://goo.gl/VUYAs
Amendment to Declaration Book 7085 Page 1350 , Jan 13, 1992: http://goo.gl/Bkba0
Amendment to Declaration Book 9099 Page 1766 Jan 29, 1996: http://goo.gl/7mnxl
Amendment to Declaration and Lease Book 11724 Page 473 , April18, 2000: http://goo.gl/fYEE4
Amendment to Declaration and By-Laws Book 12495 Page 821 , April 28, 2001: http://goo.gl/QfSX5
Cambridge I
Original Declaration of Condominium, Survey, Lease and By-Laws Book 1983 Page 305 , Feb 23, 1972: http://goo.gl/OatYT
Amendment to Declaration and By-Laws Book 2870 Page 990 , June 02, 1978; http://goo.gl/ZIiAR
Amendment to Declaration and By-Laws Book 4515 Page 1038 , April 11, 1985: http://goo.gl/sElhr
Amendment to Declaration and By-Laws Book 4799 Page 608 , Feb 24, 1986: http://goo.gl/kwgvi
Amendment to Declaration and Lease Book 5224 Page 549 , March 31, 1987: http://goo.gl/wMsb9
Amendment to Declaration Book 5990 Page 743 , March 08, 1989: http://goo.gl/KRiIC
Amendment to Declaration Book 6591 Page 1560 , Sept 25, 1990: http://goo.gl/1rzKl
Amendment to Declaration Book 9304 Page 1931 , June 12, 1996: http://goo.gl/3wJPP
Amendment to By-Laws Book 9304 Page 1932 , June 12, 1996: http://goo.gl/N482A
Amendment to Declaration and Lease Book 11724 Page 479 , April 18, 2000: http://goo.gl/1HNsH
Amendment to Declaration Book 11889 Page 1735 , July 12, 2000: http://goo.gl/ItCsd
Amendment to Declaration Book 12206 Page 3 , Dec 19, 2000: http://goo.gl/N6FC9
Amendment to Declaration Book 15075 Page 751 , April 17, 2003: http://goo.gl/s9aqr

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