Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Access America for Seniors http://www.seniors.gov/ - Federal site providing consumer information.
Administration on Aging http://www.aoa.dhhs.gov/ - Issues affecting older Americans.
American Association of Retired Persons - http://www.aarpmagazine.org/
Dept of Health and Human Services http://www.os.dhhs.gov/ - Computer links to the Department’s agencies.
Elder Web http://www.elderweb.com/ - Information for professionals and caregivers.
Elderhostel http://www.elderhostel.org/ - Educational and travel programs for seniors.
Federal Retirement http://www.myfederalretirement.com/ - Financial Planning Resources for Federal & Postal Employees also has a free informative newsletter - sign up on the site.
Fedweek http://www.fedweek.com/ - Newsletter for Federal Employees & Retirees
Health Care Financing Administration http://www.hcfa.gov/ - Information on Medicare and Medicaid.
National Institutes of Health http://www.nih.gov/ - Health information and links to other health institutes.
National Association of Retired Federal Employees http://www.narfe.org/ - Information for Retirees
SeniorCom http://www.senior.com/ - Health, legal, financial, and other information.
SeniorNet http://www.seniornet.org/ - Information on computer training for seniors.
SeniorSites http://www.seniorsites.com/ - Information on nonprofit providers for senior services.
Seniors.com http://www.seniors.com/ - A variety of information on senior topics.
Social Security Administration http://www.ssa.gov/ - Social security and the services of the SSA.
Thrift Savings Plan - http://www.tsp.gov/
Travel - State Department Site http://travel.state.gov/travel_warnings.html
Travel - CIA Site: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook
Travel - Library of Congress Site www.loc.gov/rr/international/portals.html
Government - Congress - http://congress.nw.dc.us/rollcall/
Medicare - http://www.medicare.gov/ & My.Medicare.gov
OPM - www.opm.gov/retire
Senior site - http://www.seniors.gov/
"One Stop Shopping" - http://www.firstgov.gov/
Miscellaneous Useful Links
SEARCH ENGINES (Requires downloading)
COPERNIC http://www.copernic.com/ Excellent Multi Engine Search Program. Free.
FERRET SOFTWARE http://www.ferretsoft.com/ Good Search Engine For Web Sites. Free.
SEARCH ENGINES (Does not require downloading)
GOOGLE - http://www.google.com/
ASK JEEVES - http://www.askjeeves.com/
DOGPILE - http://www.dogpile.com/
ALL THE WEB http://www.alltheweb.com/
METOR - http://www.metor.com/
KARNAK - http://www.karnak.com/ Requires Joining the Service (Free)
Expert Central - http://www.expertcentral.com/ "Experts help you find answers" Some requested searches may require payment.
COMETWAY - http://www.cometway.com/
SEARCHSHOTS - http://www.searchshots.com/ Provides Thumbnail pictures of web sites.
Rumor Control/Verifications - http://www.urbanlegends.about.com/
TURBO SEARCH - http://www.turbo10.com/
iLor http://www.ilor.com/
Search Engine Watch - http://searchenginewatch.internet.com/
ANIOTA - www.aniota.com/search.html
Conservation, Horticulture and Landscaping : http://www.pbcgov.com/coextension/
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